East of Krems

The east of the Kremstal is characterized by its loess soils, the cliffs of which reach a unique thickness, especially in the communities of Rohrendorf and Gedersdorf. Before that, it is necessary to explore the partly gravelly, partly loamy soils of the Rieden Sandgrube, Frechau, Marthal and Kremser Gebling in the foothills of the Krems city area. A distinction has been made with the well-known sand pit between the historical, 25 ha and 350 ha large area.

In the east of the city of Krems, Rohrendorf borders on the Kremser Rieden. The soils of the Rohrendorfer are mostly conglomerates and loess layers of varying thickness with some pure loess soil. The best locations are Rohrendorfer Gebling, Breiter Rain, Steinwandl, Paschingerin, Wolfsgraben and Schnabel.

The vineyards of Gedersdorf and Brunn im Felde with its mighty loafing terraces border on Rohrendorf in the east. Gedersdorf's great specialty is the Grüner Veltliner, which is particularly well cared for here. Well-known vineyards are: Geppling, Tiefenthal, Weitgasse, Moosburgerin, Zehetnerin, Wieland, Steindl, Spiegel and Reisenthal.

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